GSM was fully approved in Nigeria in the year 2000 0n 27th August. During the 90s analogue cellular telephone system were experiencing rapid growth in Europe, particularly in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, but also in France and Germany. Each country developed its own system which was incompatible with everyone else in equipment and operation. It was an undesirable situation because the mobile equipment became limited to operation within National boundaries, which in unified Europe were increasingly unimportant, but there was also a very limited market for each type of equipment, so economics of scale and the subsequent saving could not be realized. The Europeans realized this earlier on and in 1982 the conference of European post and Telegraphs(CEPT) formed a study group called the group GSM to study and develop a pan-European public and mobile system had to meet certain criteria's; they really worked hard. Searching for
- Mobile high quality subjective way of search
- Low terminal and service cost
- Support for international roaming
- Ability to support handheld terminals
- ISDN compatibility
Through the power of God, the mission of these great heroes was accomplished having done it one love they agreed to let it go round the world. So in 1989, GSM responsibility was transfer to European Telecommunication Standard Institute(ETSI) and GSM was redefined as Global System for Mobile Communication. Specifically in 1890 the phase 1 of GSM came up with publishing commercial services. Then from 1991-1993 they were only 36 GSM network in 22 countries around the world, but standardized in Europe. It kept increasing as days pass by, then from 1994-1999 over 1,100 GSM networks existed word wide. In Africa, mostly the west African counties, the use of GSM started 1997.
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